Monday, December 7, 2009

Conference Oh Conference!


As I write in my previous post, tomorrow I'll be attending the conference at UPM.. so by 10 a.m(janji melayu staf uni!) this morning, we'll start the travel by my uni's bus.. huu.. so I'll be leaving this blog for 2 days.. to those who paid the visit during my trip, please leave a message in the shoutbox or just say hi.. I'll repay your visit later..

OK.. no long entry today.. still hasn't pack anything in my bag.. huhu.. I'm always like this when it comes to travelling.. soooo lazy to pack my stuff and I ended up leaving few things behind.. that was stupid nah? huhu..

OK OK! I'll stop now.. Hope there'll be good things in Serdang.. how I miss Serdang, UPM and my friends there! Serdang... Here I come!!!!!!


  1. gudluck.

    2 hari je ponn. rilek sudey :D

  2. mekasih..
    haha 2 hari je punn..
    tapi macam2 ada!!
    kalu nak pinjam buku Islam Hadhari nanti roger purple okeh? edition punye..
