Friday, December 11, 2009



Don't have the idea for the title.. anyway I'm just gonna sum up everything happened during the trip to UPM for the last 4 days..

--> 7 Dec 09

Morning was hell.. Don't wanna write everything here but believe me if you're in my position you'll feel the same~

Evening was damned.. Spent almost an hour in the bus.. stuck in the traffic jam at KL..

Night was superb! haha.. able to eat my fav choco top sundae at McD.. and went to Masjid Putra as well as Seri Wawasan Bridge.. taking pics like crazy but well.. it didn't turn out to be extraordinary so just sharing some well-taken pics! haha~

--> 8 Dec 09

Morning was sooo wonderful with green trees around the hostel we're staying.. what a nice view!!!

During the discourse.. Plain.. Just acquiring some knowledge about Islam Hadhari.. and for information, the discourse is actually for International Students from all public and private institutions in Malaysia.. so we've been pretending to be an International Students.. haha I'm from Yemen OK? Oh! during on the bus the day before, someone ask me:

'Are you also from Yemen?'

Haha.. this is the second time a person ask me the same question.. do I look like one? well.. you answer it!

Yemeni students from my uni..
3 on the right - nice guys
3 on the left - naughty guys

Evening was chaos.. however I'm able to fly to Radicare Serdang for about half an hour to meet the staffs there.. I've had my Industrial Training there and they have been very nice to me.. so whenever I got the chance, I'll drop by to say hi to them~

1900 hrs arrived at KLCC.. went for a prayer and then wandered around till 2200 hrs.. too bad my cam's battery went out.. so this is the only pics I've manage to snap..

About 2300 hrs we went back to Kangar with the same bus..

--> 9 Dec 09

0630 hrs.. arrived at Wang Ulu residential college.. went home on 1200 hrs with the urge to update this blog and very disappointed to finally knew that the broadband line is barred coz Asy didn't pay the bills.. how pathethic is that???


  1. jalan2 xajak aku ek...hehe
    weh Mar...tringin nk pi Penang le...
    Pekena pasemboq,
    lg satu, aku asyik duk tringat kat kuey tiaw kungfu ngan tom yam teloq dadar kmpp...Fuhh...
    Meleleh air liur aku...slurrpp...
    ang rasa mak cik tu keje lg x kt situ?? hihi...(^_-)

  2. haha.. apa daaa~
    nih mmber aku sekor pon dok sebok2 nk ajk pi Penang kalo mmber ktorg yg lg sekor stuju.. yela ktorg nk mnumpang kete dak lagi sekor tu jek..
    aku rasa mesti mkcik tu da tukar keje kt tmpat laen la..
    kuey teow kungfu xabes2.. isk..
    wa layan nasik putih + tom yam + telur dadar dgn nasik goreng ikan masin cili padi lar~
    heiyyya!!! sedap nyerrrr..
