Wednesday, October 7, 2009



It has been long since I wrote.. Nothing much to share and a lil' bit busy for Langkawi's Trip arrangement.. Alhamdulillah, everything went according to the plan and everyone went back safely.. Maybe we'll talk about the trip later.. But this entry is actually somehow related to the Langkawi's Trip..

Before going, we've been planning to have the BBQ near the beach so some of my friends requested for volunteer to play guitar.. I know one of them are able to play it coz I've seen him played before my eyes.. When I suggested that person, he told us that he don't have the guitar.. I think I could bring along my guitar, so I called my lil' bro to ask about my guitar.. He's been saying that the guitar's string has all been broken as well as one of its tuning pegs...

He really made me angry coz I know he's been passing my guitar from one to another of his friends whenever they ask to borrow it from him.. I feel really dissatisfied coz it's MY GUITAR and not HIS GUITAR you know? Though I don't know how to play, but I really love it.. I really love guitar so much that I even bought it with my savings during my secondary school though I don't really know how to play..

When I got home yesterday, I found new guitar on the bed.. I went and ask my mom about that and she told me that actually my guitar is not broken but one of my lil' bro's friends borrowed and never returned it.. So my lil' bro bought a new one to replace my guitar.. It's a pity how I never take a snap of my previous guitar and now I could never see it again.. Though it's only a cheap one but it is one of my treasure..

However, here I've attached the pic of the new guitar that I just got.. really hope I could learn to play it very well someday.. This time I'm gonna carve my name larger than the last time I've carved on my guitar so that everybody'll know that THE GUITAR IS MINE..

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